Our Core Fund Values

Great ideas and entrepreneurial talent exist in people of all types and this combination is what we want to catalyze and augment.

We prioritize founders with demonstrable world class customer expertise grounded in empathy who are building businesses that create value for all stakeholders.

We respect and admire the commitment and courage required to create something new and we are thankful for the opportunity to share that challenge with our founders.

Working with Leadout

We will bring positive energy.

Founding a company is intense. It is hard. We want our interactions with you to be helpful and move the company forward. And we believe positive energy is essential to company building.

We will be an extension of your team, and you will get all of our team.

When Leadout invests, the entire firm gets behind the investment. We help in whatever way we can. That means assistance with future fundraising, customer introductions, recruiting and connections to our networks. We are your strategic sounding board and accountability partner.